Blinkt! is a super slimline Raspberry Pi Add-on board with 8 APA-102 LEDs.
5V Power
Blinkt! does not require both Physical Pin 2 and Physical Pin 4:
- Physical Pin 4 is used for 5v power on all Blinkt! boards since 2018
- Physical Pin 2 was used for 5v power on first run Blinkt! boards prior to 2018
If your Blinkt! doesn't work with one, try swapping over to the other or - if all else fails - wiring both.
To get started you can use the one-line product installer:
curl -sS | bash
from blinkt import set_pixel, show
from random import randint
from time import sleep
while True:
for pixel in range(8):
r = randint(0, 255)
g = randint(0, 255)
b = randint(0, 255)
set_pixel(pixel, r, g, b)
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